About Me

Hi there! My name is Beth.
My passion for hypnobirthing started when I was pregnant with my son Rory.
I decided that I wanted to be fully present in the experience of my birth. For me, that meant for it to be as natural as possible. My family and friends thought I was mad. They had only known of painful births and lovingly suggested that it wouldn't happen.
I planned for different scenario's and was happy to use pain medication if I decided I needed it at the time.
When my birth came, I truly was calm and confident. I had a beautiful, natural, unmedicated birth. My birth wasn't easy but it was the most powerful and magical experience of my life.
I will never forget the strength I felt and this strength has not left me yet!

My passion about my experience led me to train as a hypnobirthing teacher whilst still on maternity leave. I plan to share far and wide the tools and techniques I used so that more people can have an empowering birth.
My recent 2023 birth means that I have had first hand recent experience of what it feels to be a pregnant mother and the workings of our maternity system.
I have a degree in Psychology and work within the NHS as a health coach and social prescriber, supporting patients with their emotional, social and practical wellbeing.
Above all, I am a proud mummy to Rory x